Unlimited Ministry
Welcome to Unlimited!
We’re glad you’re here. Our desire is to come alongside you and help you find a place to grow and worship with us here at First Bentonville. Our mission is to provide a safe, loving environment that enables atypically- designed children and their families to experience the love of Christ by feeling valued, supported, encouraged, and included within the church, so they may exalt the Savior, grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, serve and bless others, and reach God’s full potential for their lives.
I’m new here and have a child with special needs.
Here is how our Unlimited Ministry works.
- First, you must contact Beth Hodde. In order to make sure we can appropriately care for your child and keep your child safe, we must obtain some information about him/her.
- Please feel free to take your child with you to worship and small groups until you can speak with Beth, if that is an option. If you prefer, you can bring them to the children’s Unlimited Ministry area and stay with them today as a way for us to learn about your child and teach us the best ways to accommodate him or her.

Halftime Event
Welcome to Halftime! But what is a Halftime? Halftime is the night of respite for families who have children with disabilities and their siblings!
We throw a big party for children with disabilities and their siblings while their parent(s) or guardians enjoy a night out to themselves. Each child is assigned to one volunteer so there is ample attention, building relationships, and putting Jesus’ love on display.
These parties happen once a month from September to May, following the school schedule. A typical evening goes from 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. to allow those parent(s) or guardians to have ample time for whatever they would like to do!!